The Research experience for Teachers (RET) program engages in-service high school teachers in a six week experience of hands-on experimental cosmic ray physics, and curriculum development at the University of Utah. The objectives of the RET are to:
- to engage in-service teachers in cohort-based research on experimental cosmic ray physics
- to help the teachers develop a deeper understanding of science processes and practices
- to help the teachers leverage their research experiences in their teaching practices, and
- to bring active scientific research directly into the high-school science classroom

The goal of the HiSPARC project is to involve Utah high school students, and teachers, in a multi-faceted, hands-on research effort to study extended cosmic-ray air showers. Using HiSPARC detectors placed on the rooftops of high schools around the state of Utah, measurements of the original cosmic ray energy and incident direction can be made. HiSPARC participants will contribute to our understanding of the origin of high-energy primary cosmic rays, which is a field of current and active fundamental research in physics and astrophysics throughout the world.
Learn More about the InSPIRE Program